Beginning of what the locals (and everyone in Vermont) call "Mud Season". When all the snow melts it makes a sloppy, some might say "poopy", mess.
Dad, cuttin' somethin' (one of the ceiling planks for the bathroom).
The bathroom ceiling, about a third done with the planks.
Inspired by H.O. Edson (see earlier post), we put our names on the ceiling for posterity.
The finished bathroom ceiling.
Snowing again.
The slate bathroom floor; before grout.
With grout.
The West Rutland Marsh.
The backyard.
Animal tracks. Left by what may well have been a bear... or a cougar... but was probably just a fox.
Shelly sanding one of the original doors...
The shiny golden bulldog on Ed's (the neighbor) shiny new truck.
Grouting is not as much fun as I make it look.
My dinner with Ed.
The laundromat (aka the basement).
House is coming along nicely, looking foward to visiting again!!!!